Happenings in Shangri-la Conflict in the Himalayas Come Tomorrow The Avenging Ghost The Adventures of Chandra & Damaru Friend's Colony My 2 Innings Fifty Years of NMA Nonsense Verses from Nepal Over The Mountains Nepal's Quest for HEALTH The Red Temple
Annapurna Fantasy


Mani Dixit's story, written for those young at heart and set in the mystical land of Shangri-la can even be termed an open book about life in general. It is the tale of a land where the common folk, struggling for survival, are in search of the ultimate leader. The story, in which good is victorious over evil, is achieved through fantastic feats by the people of this magical land. As the tale being is narrated, a lot of information is given out about the existing conditions at Shangri-la in the manner of a political satire.

A book to be first read and kept on your own book shelf for re-readings.

ISBN No. 978-99946-44-35-3

Published by: Millennium Publication (P)Ltd.

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