Happenings in Shangri-la Conflict in the Himalayas Come Tomorrow The Avenging Ghost The Adventures of Chandra & Damaru Friend's Colony My 2 Innings Fifty Years of NMA Nonsense Verses from Nepal Over The Mountains Nepal's Quest for HEALTH The Red Temple

Prof. Dr. Hemang Dixit
(Consultant Paediatrician)

Brief Introduction

(Last updated: 22 Feb., 2004)

Prof. Dr. Hemang Dixit
Prof. Dixit was born on 11 June 1937. Prof. Dr. Hemang Dixit


1) 1942-46   : Primary education at home.
2) 1947-53   : School education at:
                       (a). Sherwood College , Naini Tal , India .
                       (b). Bishop Cotton School , Shimla , India .
                        Passed out with Senior Cambridge - 1st division.
3) 1954-56   : University Tutorial College, London . G. C. E. Four subjects at Advanced Levels.
4) 1956-61   : Charing Cross Hospital Medical School , Strand, London .
5) 1961         : MBBS (U. London ).
                       LRCP (Lond); MRCS (Eng).
7) 1963         : (a). London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
                       DTM & H (Eng).
                       (b). Institute of Child Health, Great Ormond St , London . DCH (Eng).


(1) Prof. in Paediatrics at Kathmandu Medical College from 15 Jan. 2001 and Principal of Kathmandu Medical College       as from February 2001 to date.
(2) Director, Acute Diarrhoea Research Project at Siddhi Memorial Hospital , Bhaktapur from 15 th June 2000 to 31st      December, 2000.
(3)Prof. in Child Health from 21st Feb. 1986 till 10 th June, 2000
(4) Reader in Child Health, Institute of Medicine from 24th Nov. 1982 till 20 Feb. 1986.
(5) Dean, Institute of Medicine , from 23rd Feb. 1979 till 23rd Nov. 1982.
(6) Reader in Child Health, Institute of Medicine , Tribhuvan University from December 1977. Involved in making      curriculum in Child Health for the Diploma Course in Community and General Medicine.
(7)Had resigned from government service on own accord in 1975 to do private practice at Kathmandu .
(8) Paediatrician in HMG of Nepal , Health Services at Kanti Childrens Hospital , Kathmandu from 1970.
(9) Paediatrician in HMG of Nepal , Health Services at Bir Hospital Kathmandu from 1964 to 1970.
(10) Senior House Officer at Derbyshire Childrens Hospital for six months in 1963.
(11) House Officer in Medicine and Surgery at Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, London for one year 1961-62


(1) Co-ordinator of Health Learning Materials Project from 29 Nov. 1985. Director of Health Learning Materials      Centre from October, 1989 till 10 th June, 2000.



(1) Member of Nepal Medical Council. Vice Chairman from March 1985-1988. Again from 1989 to date.
(2) Life Member of the Nepal Medical Association. Vice President 1970-71 & 1974-75. President 1991-92.
(3) Founder and Life Member of Nepal Paediatric Society. Vice President 1984-85, President 1986-87.
(4) Life Member of Nepal Pharmaceutical Association.
(5) Life Member of Nepal Leprosy Relief Association.
(6) Life Member of Nepal Red Cross - Ktm. Branch. Nominated member on National Executive Committee 1991.
(7) Medical Consultant to Royal Drugs Ltd., Kathmandu . From 1989 -199......
(8) Member of National Medical Advisory committee as constituted by Dept. of Drug administration from 1991.
(9) Member Board of Committee constitued for the establishment of the B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences in      1992.
(10) Member of the Hospital Board for the Construction of the Siddhi Memorial Women & Children Hospital, at      Bhimsentha, Bhaktapur, from Jan. 1994.
(11) Member of the Governing Board of the Manipal College of Medical Sciences at Pokhara from 1994.


(1) Honorary KORRESPONDIERENDEN MITGLIED in the Deutsche Gesellschaft for Forschritte auf die Gebiet der Inneren Medizin, 1971.
(2) Certificate of Appreciation, Nepal Childrens Organisation, 1969.
(3) Hawaii Medal of Appreciation at the School of Public Health, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu in Dec.      1985.
(4) Awarded Gorkha Dakshin Bahu 3rd Class on 28th Dec., 1993 on occasion of the 4..rd birthday of H.M.King      Birendra. Investiture on 28th April, 1994.
(5)Awarded Gold Medal on occasion of 8th Asian Congress of Paediatrics for "Development of Paediatrics in     APSSEAR Countries" at Delhi in Feb.1994.
(6) Awarded commoretive plaque by UNICEF on their 50 th Anniversary for outstanding contribution to the cause of     Medcine and Health in Nepal .
(7) Co-awardee of the 2053 BS Dharma Pahari Health Servicesw Award for outstanding contribution to the cause of    Medicine and Health at Nepalgunj –21 st Jan. 1997.
(8) Awarded on 31 st Jan. 1997 medal on occasion of the Silver Jublee of HM King Birendra's Accession to the    throne.
(9) Awarded in September, 1998 the SOS Children's Village Order of Merit, by the Board of SOS Children's Village    Herman Gmeiner Academy , Innsbruck , Austria .
(10) Awarded Certificate of Commendation by Her Majesty Queen Aishwarya at function of CDS for service to the    paediatric field over the course of 30 years. .
(11) Awarded Birendra Aishwarya Padak in January 2002.

(1) Life Member of Goat's International, International Students House, 1-6 Park Crescent , London .
(2) Life Member of Britain Nepal Society at Kathmandu . Vice President 1991-92. President 1993/94.
(3) Member of the National Executive Committee of SOS Childrens Village Nepal from Dec. 1975. Vice President      1989- 2002. Acting Present from 2002 the President.
(4) Member of Child Welfare Co-ordination Committee from Dec.'85-1990 as representative of S.O.S.
(5) Member of Madan Prize Trust (Literary) from 1985 for 3 years.
(6) Honorary Member of Kathmandu Jaycees from 1981.
(7) Ordinary Member of Nepal Childrens Organization.
(8) Member, Board of Governors of Buddhanilkantha School , Kathmandu from 1982-1993.
(9) Founder Life Member of Child Development Society. President from 1991-9..
(10) Member of National Development Council, constituted by the National Planning Commission from 1992-94.
(11) Member of P.E.N. Nepal Chapter from 1992.
(12) Life Member of Nepal International Centre, Kathmandu from 1992. Member of the executive committee in 1993        for one term..
(13) Member of Executive of Social Welfare Council from 15th April, 1994 for two years..


(1) A STC of 2 weeks for WHO-EMRO at Kabul, Afghanistan on systematic development of Health Teaching/      Learning Materials, March 1988.
(2) A STC at WHO/DANIDA Interregional Workshop on Intercountry Networking for Health Learning Materials      Production at Nairobi , Jan. 9-13, 1989.
(3) A STC at WHO/SEARO Intercountry Workshop on National HLM production and Networking at Kathmandu ,      Jan. 16-23,1990.
(4) A STC at WHO/DANIDA Inter-regional Meeting on HLM Production & Intercountry Networking at Livingstone,      Zambia, 29th March- 6th April, 1990.
(5) A STC of 2 weeks for WHO-SEARO at Jakarta, Indonesia on setting up of a HLM Project and development of      same, May 1990.
(6) A STC of 2 weeks for WHO-SEARO at Yangon, Myanmar on setting up of a HLM Project and development of      same Aug., 1990.
(7) A STC at WHO/SEARO on Intercountry Consultation of Regional Adaptation of AIDS Training Guidelines for      MCH/FP workers at New Delhi, 13 Oct-2 Nov, 1991.
(8) A STC at WHO/SEARO for preparing report On SEA HLM Network for Intercountry Meeting. 19-25 April      1992. New Delhi , India .
(9) One of a Four Member of Evaluation evaluation team of the Health Development Project of the University of      Calgary and the Institute of Medicine over a three week period from 22nd March, 1994.




(1) Attended the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th and 16th All Nepal Medical Conference at Kathmandu , in      1967, 1971, 1975, 1981, 1985, 1989 and 1993. Also the 15th Conference at Biratnagar in 1991 when installed as      President of Nepal Medical Association.
(2) Gave Mrigendra Medical Trust Oration On "Health Care Delivery in Nepal - Past, Present & Future" at 13th      Medical Conference at Pokhara in Feb. 1987.
(3) Law Conference at Kathmandu in 1978 in relation to Child Legislation.
(4) First National Tuberculosis Control Seminar, 1978 at Kathmandu .
(5) National Nutrition Workshop, 1978 at Pokhara.
(6) First National Workshop in Leprosy Control, 1978, Kathmandu .
(7) WHO Temporary Adviser to a Health Manpower Training Workshop and Project Formulation at Kathmandu in      April / May 1980 & 1982. Co-ordinator, Health Manpower Planning Exercise, 1986.
(8) First, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th & 7th Conference of Nepal Paediatric Society (NEPAS) at Kathmandu in 1981,      1984,1986, 1990, 1992 & 1994.
(9) Seminar Workshop on Medical Research Methodology, Kath., July 1983.
(10) Workshop - Meningococcal Meningitis, Kathmandu , Dec.1983.
(11) Workshop on Managerial Process for National Health Development (MPHND), WHO/UNIDA sponsored April,        1986.
(12) Workshop on Rational Use of Drugs, Kathmandu April 1987.
(13) Conducted a "Creative Science Writing Workshop" for Royal Nepal Academy for Science and Technology        (RONAST) and IDRC at Kathmandu , from 4-9th Oct. 1988.
(14) Workshop on Science Popularisation, jointly organised by RONAST and IDRC Canada , Dec. 1988.
(15) Seminar on Role of Essential Drugs in Health Care at Kathmandu in Aug. 1989.
(16) Fifth Asian Congress on Diarrhoeal Diseases at Kathmandu , Sept. 1989.
(17) Workshop on Country Health Resources & Priority Strategies, Oct. 1989.
(18) Workshop on State of Children and their Legal Status, Feb. 1990.
(19) Workshop on Generic Prescribing vs Brand Product, at Kathmandu , 19-20 Nov. 1991.
(20) National Seminar on Education sponsored by Education Commission on 5-8th May,1992 at Kathmandu .
(21) National Seminar on Poverty Alleviation & Human Development sponsored by National Planning Commission on        22-24 June, 1992 at Kathmandu.
(22) Member of WHO team to Review the Mid-Term Plan of the AIDS Prevention and Control Project, 13-23 Dec.        1992.
(23) Attended Conference on Role of General Practitioners in Developing Countries , 1-4 February,1993 at Ktm.
(24) Attended 3-day workshop on Planning for HRH development for the Health Sector in Feb. 1993.
(25) Attended 2-day Workshop on Formulating Second Phase of Medium Term Plan of Action for AIDS, at        Kathmandu on 16/17 Feb. 1993.
(26) Attended 2-day Seminar on The Dynamics of HIV/AIDS, at Kathmandu by Panos Institute, Himal and        RECPHEC on 26/27 Nov. 1993
(27) Attended as Resource person the 3-day National Seminar on Future Directions in Nursing Education, held by       WHO and Institute of Medicine at Kathmandu , 20-22nd April, 1994.
(28) Attended as Resource person the 2-day National Workshop to Examine the Role of Midwifery Personnel in Safe       Motherhood in Nepal , 20-21 June, 1994.
(29) Attended Workshop on Quality Assurance of Health Institution at Kathmandu , 31st Aug. to 2nd Sept, 1994.



(1) Attended the UNICEF sponsored International Seminar on Health, Nutrition and Up- bringing at Tashkent in 1967.
(2) Leda Seven Member Medical Delegation to the People's Republic of China in 1975.
(3) Attended WHO sponsored Inter-Country Consultation on The Development of Teacher Training Programme for      Health Personnel at Rangoon in 1978.
(4) Attended as Nepalese Delegate the Primary Health Care Conference at Alma Ata, U.S.S.R. in 1978.
(5) Attended Consultative Meeting on Coordinated Health Service and Manpower Development at New Delhi , India in      1979.
(6) Attended Consultative Meeting on Health Manpower Planning Methodology at Colombo , Sri Lanka in Jan. 1981.
(7) Attended Consultative Meeting on Education in Maternal and Child Health in the context of Primary Health Care at      Bangkok , Thailand , July 1981.
(8) Attended Consultative Meeting on Training and Recruitment of Teachers in Pre-clinical Science Subjects in Medical      Colleges at New Delhi , Feb. 1982.
(9) Attended Third Meeting of Directors of Medical Research Councils or Analogous Bodies and Concerned Research      Foci in Relevant Ministries at Chieng Mai , Thailand in Dec.1982.
(10) Attended ICORT II Meeting at Washington , USA., Dec.1986.
(11) Attended SAARC Conference on South Asian Children at New Delhi , India in Oct. 1986.
(12) Attended Community Oriented Education Institutions for Health Science International Workshop on " Why and        How to Change Health Professions Education" at Maastericht , Netherlands , March 1987.
(13) Attended 2nd Interregional Meeting of HLM Managers at Arusha , Tanzania , March 1988.
(14) Attended as Resource Person the Regional Workshop for Field Testing of Integrated Learning Module under IPC        009 at Kathmandu , June 1988.
(15) Attended and read paper on "Immunisation & Role of Nepal Medical Association" at Diamond Jubilee celebration        of Journal of Indian Medical Association at Calcutta, India in Feb. 1990.
(16) Attended as Resource Person at Commonwealth Secretariat /WHO Regional Workshop on Production,        Dissemination and Use of Community Health Materials, especially for Women at New Delhi , in June 1990.
(17) Attended 5-day meeting to develop a training strategy for Safe Motherhood for UNICEF staff at Colombo , Sri        Lanka , Aug. 1991.
(18) Attended 10-day Inter-regional Meeting of HLM Network Managers at Harare , Zimbabwe , April 1992.
(19) Attended 5-day WHO Consultation on Public/Private Mix of HRH in South-East Asia at Bangkok , Thailand ,        June,1992.
(20) Attended UNICEF Reg. Office sponsored South Asia 2-day Consultation on achieving Goals of the 1990's in        Health, Nutrition & Sanitation at Dhaka , Bangladesh July, 1992.
(21) Attended 5-day Regional Meeting for HLM Project Evaluation and Planning at Colombo , Sri Lanka , Aug.1992.
(22) Attended 3-day Workshop on Need Based Curriculum for Undergraduate Medical Education, organised by        Medical Council of India at New Delhi , Aug. 1992.
(23) Attended the 7-day 45th Regional Committee South East Asia WHO Meeting, at Kathmandu in Sept, 1992 as        observer, being President of Nepal Medical Association.
(24) Attended as a delegate the 3-day SAARC Ministerial Conference on Children at Colombo , Shri Lanka, Sept.        1992.
(25) Attended 3-day, Health Learning Materials Seminar sponsored by the British Council & British High Commission        at Delhi in Sept, 1992.
(26) Attended as member of National Society for Protection of Environment and Children ( NASPEC ) the Domotex Fair at Germany from 9-12th, January, 1994.



(1) Edited "NEPAL IN PICTURES" brought out by the "YETIS", Nepalese Students in Britain , at London in 1959 or       so.
(2) Book on "HYGIENE AND PHYSIOLOGY" (With DR. M.R.Baral).
(3) Book on "CHILD CARE" in Nepali with Dr. M.R.Baral
(4) THE QUEST FOR HEALTH – in 1995. New 2 nd Edition, 1999. Educational Enterprises.
(5) FIFTY YEARS OF NMA – 2001, Nepal Medical Association.

Articles by Mani Dixit

(1) NOVELS ABOUT NEPAL . Nepal Traveller, 1990, 7(5), 68-73.
(2) STAMPING THROUGH THE MOUNTAINS. Nepal Traveller, 1991, 8(6), 29-32.
(3) KATHMANDU , A CITY CHANGING, Shangri-La, 1992, 3(2),42-47.
(4) BHAICHALO, BHUKAMPH, Shangri-La, 1993, 4(2), 32-37.



                    Prof. Dr. Hemng Dixit
                    220/62 Thirbom Sadak – 3
                    Dillibazar, GPO.Box 2730
                    Kathmandu , Nepal.
                    Phone No. 977 - 1 - 4413460
E-Mail        : mani@hdixit.org.np
Web Site    : http://www.hdixit.org.np

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