Happenings in Shangri-la Conflict in the Himalayas Come Tomorrow The Avenging Ghost The Adventures of Chandra & Damaru Friend's Colony My 2 Innings Fifty Years of NMA Nonsense Verses from Nepal Over The Mountains Nepal's Quest for HEALTH The Red Temple
The Avenging Ghost The Avenging Ghost

This is a collection of three poems written almost fifty years ago. All the three poems deal with death, a topic that has been taken up by many poets in the past. In The Dying Beggar the speaker awaits death in an unpleasant environment. In Thoughts of Fate, Fate is equated to death. In The Avenging Ghost, which gives the publication its title, the author brings in the supernatural element to show the insufficiency of human intelligence and power against the supernatural. This small addition to his works shows a different aspect of the author. 

ISBN: 99933-504-3-5.

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