Many societies have stories about animals. Panchatantra, Jataka Tales and Aesop's Fables are those with which we are familiar in this part of the world. Many of the stories that children tell and re-tell are about animals. In our Eastern culture there are instances of festivals coming in twelve year cycles and some societies have based their day to day lives in such cycles named after animals.
Though some of us would like to break with the past, others amongst us feel that we humans are fortunate enough to be current masters of this world and that the responsibility of passing on this heritage on to future generations rests with us.
This Friend's Colony is a tale in which animals have to live with the humans, who with therir petty foibles and even political culture are on a path of destruction. The animals in their turn show that taking it in turns to be the master of the jungle can be beneficial to all. Thus the "Seven Years Cycle" in which the elephant, hare, monkey, boar, stag, rhinoceros and tiger are lords in turn leads to the setting up of an eco-friendly world. This book should be read by the young and those adults who are young at heart.
This Friend's Colony is a tale in which animals have to live with the humans, who with therir petty foibles and even political culture are on a path of destruction. The animals in their turn show that taking it in turns to be the master of the jungle can be beneficial to all. Thus the "Seven Years Cycle" in which the elephant, hare, monkey, boar, stag, rhinoceros and tiger are lords in turn leads to the setting up of an eco-friendly world. This book should be read by the young and those adults who are young at heart.
ISBN 81-7167-574-3
Published by: Rupa & Co. |